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Displaying 841 - 860 of 1049

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
10/06/13 Hope and New Life David Tant N/A Sun PM 20131006DTPM.mp3
09/15/13 The Importance of Attitude David Tant N/A Sun AM 20130915DTAM.mp3
09/08/13 Trust God! Ross Fink N/A Sun AM 20130908RFAM.mp3
09/01/13 The Joy of Being a Christian David Tant N/A Sun AM Joy of Being a Christian.pdf 20130901DTAM.mp3
08/25/13 Who Is The Church of Christ - Misconceptions Elijah Aaron N/A Sun AM 20130825EAAM.mp3 Who Is The Church of Christ - Misconceptions.pdf
08/25/13 Galatians 1 Elijah Aaron N/A Sun PM 20130825EAPM.mp3
08/18/13 Who Is The Chuch of Christ? - Local Elijah Aaron N/A Sun AM Who Is The Church of Christ - Local.pdf 20130818EAAM.mp3
08/18/13 Take Time To Be Holy Patrick Kinsella N/A Sun PM Take Time to be Holy.ppt 20130818PM.mp3
08/11/13 Who Is The Church of Christ? Part 4 Elijah Aaron N/A Sun AM Who Is The Church of Christ - Part 4.pdf 20130811EAAM.mp3
08/11/13 Introduction To Galatians Elijah Aaron N/A Sun PM 20130811EAPM.mp3
08/04/13 Who Is The Church of Christ? - Analogies Elijah Aaron N/A Sun AM 20130804EAAM.mp3 Who Is The Church of Christ - Analogies.pdf
07/28/13 Who Is The Church of Christ? - Universal Elijah Aaron N/A Sun AM 20130728EAAM.mp3 Who Is The Church of Christ - Universal.pdf
07/28/13 Seeing Through God's Eyes Dillon Jarrett N/A Sun PM SeeingThroughGodsEyes.pdf 20130728DJPM.mp3
07/21/13 Who Is The Church of Christ? Part 1 Elijah Aaron N/A Sun AM Who Are The Churches of Christ.pdf 20130721EAAM.mp3
07/14/13 Paneled Houses or Spiritual Homes? Elijah Aaron N/A Sun AM 20130714EAAM.mp3
07/14/13 Reading of Galatians Elijah Aaron N/A Sun PM 20130714EAPM.mp3
07/07/13 The Social Gospel Elijah Aaron N/A Sun AM The Social Gospel.pdf 20130707EAAM.mp3
06/30/13 Be Not Deceived David Tant N/A Sun AM Be not deceived.pdf 20130630DTAM.mp3
06/30/13 Drawing The Line David Tant N/A Sun PM DRAWING THE LINE.pdf 20130630DTPM.mp3
06/23/13 Show Me Elijah Aaron N/A Sun AM 20130623EAAM.mp3 Show Me.pdf

Displaying 841 - 860 of 1049

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