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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
10/25/16 The Diverse Church Brent Paschall N/A Gospel Meeting 20161025BPPM.mp3
10/24/16 The Active Church Brent Paschall The Rest of the Pattern Gospel Meeting 20161024BPPM.mp3
10/23/16 The United Church Brent Paschall The Rest of the Pattern Sun PM 20161023BPPM.mp3
10/23/16 The Growing Church Brent Paschall The Rest of the Pattern Sun AM 20161023BPAM.mp3
10/23/16 Identifying Marks of the 1st Century Church Brent Paschall The Rest of the Pattern Sun Bible Study 20161023BCBP.mp3
06/17/16 Rev20,What Shall Be Your Judgment, Rev.20-22 4 Robert Harkrider Victory in Jesus Gospel Meeting 20160617RHPM.mp3 Rev20What_Shall_Be_Your_Judgment_Rev.20-22_4.ppt
06/16/16 Revelation, Battle of Armageddon and 1000 Year Reign Robert Harkrider Victory in Jesus Gospel Meeting 20160616RHPM.mp3 Revelation_Battle_of_Armageddon.ppt
06/15/16 Rev. 11, Christ Shall Reign For Ever and Ever Robert Harkrider Victory in Jesus Sun AM 20160615RHPM.mp3 Rev._11_He_Shall_Reign_For_Ever.ppt
06/14/16 Rev 12, They Loved Not Their Lives Even Unto Death Robert Harkrider Victory in Jesus Gospel Meeting 20160614RHPM.mp3 Rev_12_They_Loved_Not_Their_Lives.ppt
06/13/16 Rev. 6 - 9, The Saddest Words Robert Harkrider Victory in Jesus Gospel Meeting 20160613RHPM.mp3 Rev._6_-_9_The_Saddest_Words_copy.ppt
06/12/16 Revelation, What Christ Knows About This Church Robert Harkrider Victory in Jesus Sun PM 20160612RHPM.mp3 Revelation_What_Christ_Knows_About_This_Church.ppt
06/12/16 Why Christians have Peace - Even in Times of War Robert Harkrider Victory in Jesus Sun AM 20160612RHAM.mp3 Rev_4_5_Victory_In_Christ_copy.ppt
06/12/16 Introduction to the Study of Revalation Robert Harkrider Victory in Jesus Gospel Meeting Rev_Intro.ppt 20160612RHBC.mp3
08/28/14 Where does it stop? Edwin Crozier N/A Gospel Meeting 20140828ECPM.mp3
08/27/14 Let the Church Not Be Burdened Edwin Crozier Zealous for Good Deeds Gospel Meeting 8-Let the Church Not Be burdened.pptx 20140827ECPM.mp3
08/26/14 Seeking to Justify Himself Edwin Crozier Zealous for Good Deeds Gospel Meeting 5-Seeking to Justify Himself.pptx 20140826ECPM.mp3
08/25/14 What Love is this Edwin Crozier Zealous for Good Deeds Gospel Meeting 4-What Love is this.pptx 20140825ECMPM.mp3
08/24/14 Who Do You Love Edwin Crozier Zealous for Good Deeds Sun PM 3-Who Do You Love.pptx 20140824ECPM.mp3
08/24/14 The Good Deed Edwin Crozier Zealous for Good Deeds Sun AM 20140824ECAM.mp3 1-The Good Deed.pptx
08/24/14 Great in the Kingdom Edwin Crozier Zealous for Good Deeds Sun Bible Study 20140824ECSS.mp3 2-Great in the Kingdom.pptx

Displaying 61 - 80 of 120

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