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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
12/11/16 Choosing Holiness Ross Fink Sermon N/A Sun AM 20161211RFAM.mp3 Choosing_Holiness_-_Roswell.pptx
12/11/16 How long is the line --- Bible Authority Ross Fink Sermon N/A Sun PM 20161211RFPM.mp3 How_long_is_the_line_---_Bible_Authority_2.ppt
12/04/16 The Work of Deacons Ross Fink Sermon N/A Sun AM 20161204RFAM.mp3
11/27/16 Final Words - James 5-19-20 Ross Fink Sermon James Sun AM 20161127RFAM.mp3 Final_Words_-_James_5-19-20.pptx
11/27/16 How long is the line --- Bile Authority Ross Fink Sermon N/A Sun PM 20161127RFPM.mp3 How_long_is_the_line_---_Bile_Authority.ppt
11/20/16 The Solution to Suffering and Sickness (James 5-13-18) Ross Fink Sermon James Sun AM 20161120RFAM.mp3 The_Solution_to_Suffering_and_Sickness_James_5-13-18.pptx
11/20/16 CONFESS YOUR FAULTS - Ja. 3-16 Ross Fink Sermon James Sun AM 20161121RFPM.mp3 CONFESS_YOUR_FAULTS_-_Ja._3-16.ppt
11/13/16 How Do I Do Right When I have Been Wronged James 5-1-12 Ross Fink Sermon James Sun AM 20161113RFAM.mp3 How_Do_I_Do_Right_When_I_have_Been_Wronged__James_5-1-12.pptx
11/13/16 Why Confession is not Enough Ross Fink Sermon N/A Sun PM Why_Confession_is_not_Enough.pptx 20161113RFPM.mp3
11/06/16 Playing God and Other Perils - James 4 11-17 Ross Fink Sermon James Sun AM 20161106RFAM.mp3 Playing_God_and_Other_Perils_-_James_4_11-17.pptx
10/30/16 Reverence Steve Green Sermon N/A Sun AM 20161030SGAM.mp3 Reverence.ppt
10/30/16 Woe to Rebellious Children Ross Fink Sermon N/A Sun PM 20161030RFPM.mp3
10/27/16 The Sanctified Church Brent Paschall Sermon N/A Sun AM 20161027bppm.mp3 The_Sanctified_Church.pptx
10/26/16 The Interdependent Church Brent Paschall Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 20161026BPPM.mp3
10/25/16 The Diverse Church Brent Paschall Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 20161025BPPM.mp3
10/24/16 The Active Church Brent Paschall Gospel Meeting The Rest of the Pattern Gospel Meeting 20161024BPPM.mp3
10/23/16 Identifying Marks of the 1st Century Church Brent Paschall Gospel Meeting The Rest of the Pattern Sun Bible Study 20161023BCBP.mp3
10/23/16 The Growing Church Brent Paschall Gospel Meeting The Rest of the Pattern Sun AM 20161023BPAM.mp3
10/23/16 The United Church Brent Paschall Gospel Meeting The Rest of the Pattern Sun PM 20161023BPPM.mp3
10/19/16 Encouragement Glenn Bruns Sermon N/A Sun PM 20161016GBPM.mp3

Displaying 681 - 700 of 1266

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