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Preaching from the Bible alone.

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Displaying 121 - 140 of 1065

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
01/22/23 Communicating To Connect Phillip Shumake N/A Sun AM CommunicatingToConnect.pptx 20230122PSAM.mp3
01/15/23 Are You A Secret Disciple? Ryan Poe N/A Sun AM 20230115RPBC.mp3
01/08/23 Malachi: Sacrifice? Caleb Daniels N/A Sun AM 20230108CDAM.mp3
01/01/23 John 11-21 Steve Green N/A Sun AM 20230101SGAM.mp3
12/25/22 John 1-10 Steve Green N/A Sun AM 20221225SGAMv1.mp3
12/18/22 How The Wise Fall Carson Crow N/A Sun AM 20221218CCAM.mp3
12/11/22 Moses Phillip Shumake N/A Sun AM Moses-Sermon-Final.pptx 20221211PSAM.mp3
12/04/22 Haggai: Paneled Houses David Hamlett N/A Sun AM 20221204DHAM.mp3
11/27/22 Moses and Evangelizing Carson Crow N/A Sun AM 20221127CCAM.mp3
11/20/22 To Those Who Believe in His Name Dustin Merkle N/A Sun AM John_1_To_Those_Who_Believe_In_His_Name.pptx 20221120DMAM.mp3
11/16/22 Psalms 5-7 Tommy Peeler N/A Gospel Meeting Wed-Psalm_5-7.pptx 20221116TPPM.mp3
11/15/22 Psalm 107 Tommy Peeler N/A Gospel Meeting Tue-Psalm_107.pptx 20221115TPPM.mp3
11/14/22 Psalms 8 Tommy Peeler N/A Gospel Meeting Mon-Psalm_8.pptx 20221114TPPM.mp3
11/13/22 Psalm 23 Tommy Peeler N/A Sun AM Sun-Sermon-Psalm_23.pptx 20221113TPAM.mp3
11/06/22 City On A Hill Phillip Shumake N/A Sun AM CityOnAHill-Final.pptx 20221106PSAM.mp3
10/30/22 Grace the High Cost of a Free Gift Chad Carter N/A Sun AM Grace__The_High_Cost_of_a_Free_Gift.pptx 20221030CCAM.mp3
10/23/22 Only Way Darren Brackett N/A Sun AM Is_hearing_the_gospel_the_only_way_to_know_Gods_will_.pptx 20221023DBAM.mp3
10/16/22 Practical Christianity Ryan Poe N/A Sun AM James_3.13-18_Sermon.pptx 20221016RPAM.mp3
10/09/22 Are You Ready To Die? Caleb Daniels N/A Sun AM 20221009CDAM.mp3
10/02/22 God is Faithful Carson Crow N/A Sun AM 20221002CCAM.mp3

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